Hyderabad, India, March 23, 2025: Today that is on 23/03/2025 Bihar Foundation Hyderabad Chaper of BIHAR FOUNDATION (A Government of Bihar Initiative) is organising Bihar Diwas to commemorate its Foundation Day. Bihar Foundation Motto is BONDING BRANDING BUSINESS, as the motto suggests it was formed to bind the Bihari Diaspora throughout the world and promote their culture, Business and bring recognition and fame to Bihar and its citizens. Bihar Foundation Hyderabad Chapter is a Part of it. Bihar foundation was established by Government of Bihar in 2006 and its Hyderabad chapter was started in 2010. We promote Bihar art and culture and Bihar as a brand.
Today we are also honering the various Organisations of Bihar working in Hyderabad which are working with Bihar foundation for bettermdt of the bihari diaspora, which are 1. Bihar Association Rep by – Secretary Prabhas Kumar 2. BJUP Rajput Sewa Sangh Rep by – President Lallan singh 3. Mithla Samajik Manch Rep by – President Ram Binod Jha 4. Chakradhari (Kumbhkar) Kalyan Samiti – 5. Gupta Bhunjwa Samaj Rep by – President Bajrang Prasad Gupta 6. Kushwaha Samaj Rep by – President Gena Lal Kushwaha 7. Bihar Sahyog samiti Rep by – President Vinay Yadav 8. Saraswati Pooja Samithi Ramantapur Rep by – President Suresh singh 9. Bihari Mali Sangam Malkajgiri Rep by – President Shambhunath bhagat.
Welcome address is given by Sri Praveen Kumar Pranav Secretary’s Report by Mr Uttam Yadav and speeches by Bihar association President Sri Hareram Singh, Manvendra Mishra, Organising Comitee Chairman Sri Munindra IFS (retd) will address the gathering and highlight the contribution of Biharis of Hyderabad to the state of Telangana.and the chief guest Mr. Sandeep Sultania will address the gathering of Bihari Diaspora and motivate us further.
The formal function will end with the vote of thanks given by Sri Dasrath Yadav.
Vinod Gupta, Amresh Maurya, Dinesh Singh, Ashok Singh, Ravi Shanker Singh, Akhilesh Singh, Prabhash Kumar, Gopal Bhagat, Deepak Yadav, Bharat Singh, Jitender Singh, Subhash Singh, Ramesh Ram, Satrughan Ram, R.B.Pandit, Suresh Singh, Dilip Yadav, Dharmender Rao, Nagender Rao, Suman Singh, Ram Binod Jha, Hareram Yadav, Jitender Gupta, Raju Rai, Devnath Yadav, Prem Shankar Singh, Saurabh Singh, Sunil Yadav, Balkishan Yadav, Arvind Yadav, Vicky Sha,, Deepak Mukhiya, who all helped in making this function a grand success were also Thanked by Chairman Manvendra Mishra and Honoured by Bihar Association (an associate of Bihar foundation Hyderabad) President Mr. Hareram Singh and Secretary Mr. Prabhash Kumar.